Design and installation of solvent and resin tank farm
The Company
The Jotun Group is a leading supplier of paints and powder coatings. The Group has 65 companies and 39 production facilities on all continents. Jotun is represented in over 100 countries. They supply paints and coatings that have been specially developed for unique conditions.
Project Brief
Following the successful installation of a large scale production facility, Ai Process was again selected to redevelop the existing solvent and resin tank farm for Jotun Paints (Europe) Limited in Flixborough including the replacement of ageing bulk storage tanks.
The works were undertaken on an ‘open book’ basis, allowing a transparent approach to the procurement of equipment and services whilst the design was progressed, prior to a phased plant installation.

Scope of Works
The scope of works included the following:
- Detailed specification and designs for new facility
- Procurement of plant and services
- Safe phased removal of existing storage tanks and replacement with new
- Upgrade and testing of existing bunds and plinths
- Walkways and maintenance access to high and low level areas
- Process control upgrade including associated field instrumentation and electrical installation works to hazardous area requirements
- Calibration, testing and commissioning of the new installation

Design Challenge
Throughout the project various challenges were met and overcome. These included:
- Designing the facility to make efficient use the existing space
- Logistical challenge of transporting dozens of purpose built storage bulk vessels from continental Europe to the UK
- Safe installation of the new equipment in confined spaces, in compliance with latest guidelines and regulations
- Exchanging existing storage vessels with new, with minimal disruption to the existing production facility
- Adhering to a strict programme and project budget
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